Category: Fitness

Why Women Gainers Should Avoid GOMAD

Being a woman and attempting to gain weight is hard. It’s even more difficult when it seems like everyone on the Internet is telling you to drink a gallon of milk a day (GOMAD)....


Answered: Why Can’t I Gain Weight?

Being too thin is hard. It seems like everyone is worried about gaining too much weight. It’s hard to be skinny in a world where everyone is eating fat-free foods, going on diets, doing...

bench pressing

Barbell Versus Dumbbell Bench Press

The bench press is probably the most popular weightlifting exercise. Though plenty of people will talk about how the squat or deadlift is the ultimate exercise, the bench press remains a staple is all...


Chuck Taylor Weightlifting Shoes – Lift Smart

Go into the squat rack section of any large gym and you will notice a single brand that the majority of the lifters will be wearing: Converse Chuck Taylor All Stars. These classic shoes...

boxing hand wrap, red

Prevent Injury When Using A Punching Bag

I recently joined a new gym. It’s an old-school neighborhood gym. It’s got some squat racks, some old machines, a lot of iron weights. It’s got enough cardio machines to keep folks from complaining....

Is It Possible To Build Muscle On A Vegan Diet

A vegan is someone who does not consume animal products. Think of vegans as hardcore vegetarians. Vegans do not eat meat, but they also avoid milk, cheese and other animal products. A vegan consumes...

a big strong man next to smaller men

How To Gain Weight

Weight Gain Science Gaining weight is simple. There is one thing that you need to do. Everything else is a way to achieve this one thing. The one thing you must do is: Eat...