Inspiring Down Syndrome Weightlifter
Jon Stoklosa is an inspiring powerlifter. He can lift far more than the average person. What makes his lifting even more impressive is that he has Down syndrome.
Down syndrome is caused by a seemingly random error in the formation of a egg or sperm. It is not a disease, it is a genetic disorder. It can however lead to an intellectual disability along with some very distinct physical features. One of these is decreased muscle tone.
This physical handicap often means that individuals with Down syndrome have naturally weaker muscles with lower endurance levels. They also have joints which tens to slip out of place and become dislocated much more easily than individuals without Down syndrome. Mental and physical reaction time tends to be slower and the body as a whole is less coordinated. Overcoming this to compete in athletic events is especially impressive.
At five-foot-five Jon is able to bench 400lbs, squat and deadlift 440lbs. He has a gold metal from the special Olympics and completes in powerlifting competitions. Because he has Down syndrom he must take special care to avoid injury. He also gains strength at a slower pace. That being said, his dedication and training have made him stronger than most gym goers.
Jon Stoklosa deadlifting 430lbs:
Here he is bench pressing 390lbs:
And finally a 410lbs squat: