Why Vegans Love Adding Vitamineral Green To Smoothies

Vitamineral Green is a natural green powder produced by HealthForce. This powder was developed in the 1990s and used to be only available in health food stores and vegan specialty markets. As the popularity of Vitamineral Green has grown, the supplement has become more widely available, and can be found in many grocery stores and is easily available online. Today it is one of the most well-loved super food supplements.
Vitamineral Green was one of the first green food supplements and continues to be the most popular green food supplement. It is especially popular in vegan, raw and holistic health communities. This bestselling super food drink powder is packed with an insane amount of different healthy and natural ingredients from around the world. This one supplement can be used to do the job of ten other supplement powders.
The Great Aspects Of Vitamineral Green
When I first saw a jar of Vitamineral Green I thought it was some hippy nonsense. One of my friends was adding a tablespoon to their green smoothie. My first impression was that the green smoothie was already packed with healthy green foods, why add some powdered supplement?
But then I took a look at the ingredients and I was blown away. Vitamineral Green Is packed full of foods that I would never find in a grocery store. Not even the most hippy health food store carries these sorts of super foods. My friend then began to explain to be the idea of Vitamineral Green being a supplement of green super foods that we would not otherwise get in our diets. Adding this collection of super foods to his smoothie ensured a more well-rounded and balanced set to nutrients.
Vitamineral Green is made from a large number of green super foods found throughout the world. HealthForce searched out different traditional herbs and plants from a wide variety of cultures and included them into a single supplement.
Vitamineral Green contains the following plants: Yacon Leaf, Shilajit, Ginger root, Oat Grass, Maringa Leaf, Wheat Grass, Oat Grass, Nettle Leaf, Carob Pod, Amla Berry, Chickweed, Shavetail/Horsegrass, Barley Grass, American Basil, Alfalfa Grass, Dandelion and Parsley. As you can see, these plants come from all over the world including the Americas, Europe and Asia. They have all been valued for their medicinal and healing properties in traditional cultures.
Vitamineral Green goes beyond just land plants and includes a number of plants which grow in water and were also harvested by sea faring cultures or cultures that lived near lakes. This includes: Spirulina, Chlorella, Laver, Kelp, Alaria, Bladderwrack and Dulse.
Vitamineral Green is NOT diluted with grains, beans, maca, fibers, fruits, fillers, seeds/chia/flax. These types of ingredients are often used as filler by other supplement brands to create more powder with less nutrition. Vitamineral Green does not use these fillers, and instead uses whole food ingredients that are specifically included into the mixture for their vitamin and mineral content. Because of the lack of filler, Vitamineral Green is more potent at smaller quantities, often making it a better value.
This large amount of varied super foods makes Vitamineral Green a balanced nutritional formula. Many of these ingredients are not going to be found in other popular green powders. Other green powder supplements will use cheaper, more easily accessible ingredients in their blends. Spinach and broccoli are two such examples. Sure spinach and broccoli are healthy for you, but there is no need to buy them in powder supplement form. They are easily available at all grocery stores and are cheap to buy and easy to cook with. There is no reason to ever put spinach or broccoli in a supplement.
A supplement is meant to supplement your regular diet. This means that supplement drinks should improve on an already healthy diet by adding ingredients and nutrients that are difficult to obtain or lacking in a normal healthy diet. We should all be eating (or drinking) broccoli and spinach already, so there is no need for us to supplement more of those two plants into our diet.
Vitamineral Green is not just filled with vitamins and minerals. It also contains enzymes and probiotics that are important in healthy digestion.
A 1.5 tablespoon serving contains 35 calories, 3 grams of protein, 5 grams of carbohydrate, 2 grams of fiber, and no fat.
HealthForce makes the claim that Vitamineral Green is good for blood sugar, detoxification, the immune system, liver, kidneys, blood, bones, colon, pancreas, muscles, brain, regularity, circulation, and longevity. As with most supplements, these claims have not been evaluated by the FDA.
My main reason for adding Vitamineral Green to my smoothies is to make sure that I am not missing out on any essential nutrients. Because the ingredient list of Vitamineral Green is so varied, I am convinced that when I eat some, I am getting a full balance of vitamins and minerals. I use it as a supplement to ensure that my regular, already healthy diet, is not lacking anything.
This is why it is especially helpful for vegans to add Vitamineral Green to their smoothies. Vegans are especially vulnerable to missing out on essential nutrients in their diets.
Vitamineral Green Taste
Vitamineral Green has an earthy taste where you can definitely taste the algae and other water based plants. I don’t really have a strong opinion on the taste of the powder as I always drink mine in smoothie form. I drink my supplements by adding them to smoothies. The taste of Vitamineral Green is easily masked by bananas and other smoothie ingredients.
There is no artificial flavor or sweeteners added to this supplement. Just like there are not filler ingredients, there are not flavoring ingredients. All the ingredients there included for a single reason, and that is their health benefit.
Unless you plan to consume Vitamineral Green by itself with water, then you do not need to worry about the taste. Adding a bit of Vitamineral Green to your smoothies is not going to change the flavor of the drink.