What Causes Skinny Fat Body Types? [Infographic]

A skinny fat body is one that has no muscle. It looks skinny at first, but usually has a belly of fat. A skinny fat body can be just as unhealthy as an obese body, but is harder to notice.
A skinny fat body can form rapidly and can be surprising to discover. It’s easy to be skinny your whole life only to find that as soon as you turn 30 you have a belly and are actually skinny fat. Skinny fat bodies are unhealthy, unattractive and all too common.
There are five simple causes for a skinny fat body. This infographic is an easy way to understand and remember what leads to a skinny fat body.
A diet high in simple carbs and processed foods is bad for your health. Your body will be better off with whole foods, including whole, natural carbs. Avoid foods like candy, breads, pasta and donuts. Instead eat more fruits and vegetables, lean chicken and fish, beans, nuts, etc. Strive for more whole foods, more protein and more fats.
Lack Of Resistance Exercise
Running, cycling, and other aerobic exercises are great. They keep your heart healthy and are fun to perform. But they are not good at building muscle mass. The easiest way to avoid a skinny fat body is to build muscle mass.
Muscle mass is built through resistance. This is most easily done by lifting heavy things. Go to a gym and start lifting weights. If you are only going to do one thing to combat a skinny fat body, make it this one.
Older age means a slower metabolism and a less healthy body. There’s nothing that can be done about getting older. What we can do is ensure that we are healthy and active as we age. Being healthy and active while growing older will help your body age more smoothly and in a more healthy manner.
It may come as a surprise to some, but stress is not only bad for you mentally, but has real physical consequences as well. Someone who is stressed out is more likely to eat junk food. Even if your diet remains perfect, stress will change the chemical and hormonal balance of your body, leading to negative health effects. Happiness is actually really important to good health.
Our bodies need an average of eight hours of sleep a night. This number varies from person to person, and can change as we age. Like stress, if you are not getting enough deep, uninterrupted sleep, your body will suffer. People who do not get enough sleep are more likely to develop unhealthy bodies, including skinny fat bodies.