Tagged: weight-gain

How To Slow Down Your Metabolism Rate

Your metabolism, or metabolic rate, is how quickly your body breaks down and uses up energy you get from calories. Some people can eat a ton of food and never gain weight. The reason...

My First Blender, The Oster 6684 12-Speed

My first blender was an Oster 6684 12-Speed. I got it well before I was drinking smoothies on a regular basis. I actually don’t even remember why I got it. Probably because I wanted...

Create Your Ideal Homemade Gainer POWDER

There’s a ton of gainer shake recipes out there. Heck, our high calorie smoothie recipes are some of the most popular out there. But a lot of people avoid making their own gainer powder....

How To Make Your Own Weight Gain Powder (It’s Easy!)

Weight gain powders have two main ingredients: protein and calories. That’s it. Everything else is just flavor, or preservatives, or vitamins/minerals. But those are all extras. The only thing a gainer powder needs is...

Why Women Gainers Should Avoid GOMAD

Being a woman and attempting to gain weight is hard. It’s even more difficult when it seems like everyone on the Internet is telling you to drink a gallon of milk a day (GOMAD)....


Answered: Why Can’t I Gain Weight?

Being too thin is hard. It seems like everyone is worried about gaining too much weight. It’s hard to be skinny in a world where everyone is eating fat-free foods, going on diets, doing...