Author: testmk

Why Women Gainers Should Avoid GOMAD

Being a woman and attempting to gain weight is hard. It’s even more difficult when it seems like everyone on the Internet is telling you to drink a gallon of milk a day (GOMAD)....

FREEZINda packets

FREEZINda Review – Protein Powder To Ice Cream

If you have looked around at the recipes on this site you know that I love ice cream smoothies. When gaining weight, I’m a huge proponent of using high calorie smoothies that resemble ice...


Answered: Why Can’t I Gain Weight?

Being too thin is hard. It seems like everyone is worried about gaining too much weight. It’s hard to be skinny in a world where everyone is eating fat-free foods, going on diets, doing...

boba tea

Adding Boba To A Smoothie

Boba tea, also known as bubble tea is a popular Asian dessert drink. The main feature of this drink are the tapioca balls found at the bottom of the glass, which are usually drank...