Best Weight Lifting Gloves with Wrist Support

I spent a bunch of time and money trying out different weight lifting gloves so you don’t have to. Through my research I found that the best weight lifting gloves with the best wrist support are the Skott Evo 2 Weightlifting Gloves. These are the best all around weight lifting gloves with wrist support. These offer amazing wrist support, are super durable, and protect your hands better than other weight lifting gloves. If you need a tough pair of gloves that will provide your wrists with strong support, get a pair of these.
Though these are the best pair of weight lifting gloves I have had the pleasure of trying out, you might be looking for something different. If so, read on to find out other great glove options.
Why I Started Wearing Gloves When Lifting
A few years ago my wrists began to bother me. I had been weight lifting without gloves for a long time, and never had any real problems. Sure, my hands had calluses on them, but that never really bothered me. But the wrist pain was another story. This actually started to affect my lifting, and made going to the gym a chore rather than something I enjoyed.
I don’t believe I developed the wrist pain at the gym. At the time I was working with computers, and was sitting in front of a monitor all day typing and moving a mouse around. The job was fine, but I was beginning to develop a repetitive stress injury in my wrists, especially my right wrist. I am right handed and use my right hand to move around my computer mouse. This was really taking its toll.
After a bit of research, I improved my posture when sitting in front of the computer. I also got wrist guards and became more aware of how to reduce repetitive stress injuries.
At the gym I made a change and got a pair of weight lifting gloves with wrist support. At first the main reason I got the gloves was to support my wrists, but after a while, I really began to enjoy using the gloves. Weight lifting gloves helped protect my hands. My calluses were slowly going away and my hands were getting softer. My girlfriend loved that. Also, the gloves provided protection for when I accidentally scraped my knuckles against a dumbbell.
Thanks to this experience I now consider weight lifting gloves to be a piece of safety equipment that I use at the gym.
Over time I wanted to find the weight lifting gloves that fit me best, so I did a bunch of research and tried a bunch of different gloves. Let me tell you what I found.
The Best Weight Lifting Glove With Strong Wrist Support
The Skott Evo 2 are the pair of gloves I use today. They provide a ton of protection for my hands, and more importantly they provide great wrist support. These gloves are durable, comfortable, and fit great. The palm of these gloves has a gel grip. The grip helps ensure that the bar never slips out of my hands. I don’t need to worry about sweaty palms making the bar difficult to hold. After buying these gloves I’ve actually saved money by not having to buy weight lifting chalk all the time.
The knuckles of these gloves come with plastic attachments that act as protection to ensure that you will not scrape your knuckles while at the gym. The durable palm of the glove will help reduce calluses and keep your hands smooth. That’s especially important for a lot of women weight lifters.
To wash these gloves I just turn them inside out, apply some mild detergent and let them soak for half an hour. I then rinse them off and let them air dry and they are good as new.
These gloves are more breathable then other faux-leather gloves that I tried. But be aware these are not the lightest gloves you can buy. That means they are likely to get warmer than other gloves you can buy. I don’t mind because I throw them on when doing a lift and then take them off between sets, but some people might prefer something more breathable or lighter.
The Skott Evo 2 come in a number of sizes and can be used by both men and women.
The Best Ventilated Weight Lifting Gloves
Sometimes the gym can get so hot that I just don’t want to wear gloves. At the same time, I do have wrist issues due to my computer use. The best answer to this dilemma is getting a pair of ventilated gloves. These are weight lifting gloves that have palm protection and wrist support, but leave the back of your hand free. This allows the back of your hand to stay cool.
These gloves look a little funny, but they do just about everything that regular weight lifting gloves do (minus knuckle protection) while not covering the back of your hand. The Fit Active Sports brand gloves are the most popular ventilated gloves.
These gloves offer a good grip, and good wrist support. I was initially worried that the lack of a back will make the glove feel too loose, but that is not the case. In fact these gloves felt more snug than some of the cheaper weight lifting gloves I tried out.
The palms of these gloves have a gel insert, which works well, though be sure to get the right size. If you get the wrong size, the gel protection might not match the part of your hand that is griping the bar.
These are the best gloves to get if you want something a bit more breathable and light weight than regular weight lifting gloves.
The Best Women’s Weight Lifting Gloves
If you are a women weight lifter, I actually recommend you get one of the other gloves listed here. There are plenty of women who use the Skott Evo 2 Weightlifting Gloves and are totally happy with it. There are companies that make weight lifting gloves specifically designed for women. Women actually make up a huge market for weight lifting/fitness gloves. This is because women are more concerned about keeping their hands soft and callus free than men. Most weight lifting gloves are going to work just as well for men as they do for women. However, you you are looking for a women-specific par of gloves, try these Trideer Weight Lifting Gloves.
The best reason to get a woman-specific fitness/weight lifting gloves is that gender neutral or men’s gloves might not fit a woman’s hand as well. Some women have hands that are shaped different enough that a men’s glove will be loose and ill fitting. If that is the case, a weight lifting glove specifically designed for women is going to be the best glove to buy.
When lifting weights with gloves on, fit is more important than just about anything else. The reason is that if you have loose fitting gloves, they might slip off your hands. That is an excellent way to injure yourself or someone else. Imagine if you are deadlifting and your glove slips off your hand. That is not a situation you want to be in. One of the main reasons for having gloves on in the first place is to help you grip the bar.
Because of these reasons, a glove designed specifically for women may be the best option for a lot of women. The bad thing about gloves specifically designed for women is that they are not as durable as those designed for men. The assumption is that women do not lift heavy weights. It’s a stupid assumption, but most gloves designed for women are not as durable and do not offer as much support as those designed for men.
Out of the women’s gloves available, the Trideer gloves are your best option. They are versatile, have gel padding, and have a 12 month guarantee. If you are worried that regular gloves won’t fit your hands, give these a try.
The Toughest Weight Lifting Gloves
If you want weight lifting gloves that will last a long time and are super durable, you should get a pair of leather Grip Power Pads. These gloves are leather and made specifically for power lifting. They include a strong wrist wrap to help prevent injury. These thick and durable when I put them on.
The one issue I have with these gloves is that the leather does not breath as well as the Skott gloves I list above. These gloves need to be washed more often because of their lack of breath-ability. To wash them just soak them in warm water with a mild detergent and let them air dry.
If you are a serious weight lifter and worried about destroying your gloves after a few months of heavy use, give these guys a try. They are super durable and strong and will last longer than other gloves.
And there you have it, the best weight lifting gloves available. Most of these gloves have a money back guarantee. I love the protection and wrist support that these gloves offer. Get a pair and you might never go back to lifting with your bare hands again.