Tagged: Weight-lifting

bench pressing

Barbell Versus Dumbbell Bench Press

The bench press is probably the most popular weightlifting exercise. Though plenty of people will talk about how the squat or deadlift is the ultimate exercise, the bench press remains a staple is all...

Cartoon of man carrying ox

Stronglifts 5×5 Review

StrongLifts 5×5 is the Internet’s most popular fitness program. It is based on previously existing programs, with a few changes. StrongLifts’s popularity is largely due to the large amount of freely accessible information on...

Ice Cream

Ice Cream Fitness

Ice Cream Fitness is a bodybuilding style fitness program based on compound lifts along with accessory lifts. It is an effective weight training program for novice muscle and strength building. The ice cream fitness...

Classic Muscle Man

Strength or hypertrophy First?

When I first started lifting weights I basically wanted to get bigger and stronger. I thought the two were interchangeable. The truth is working towards strength does not always mean you will gain large...

Starting Strength cover

Starting Strength Fitness Program

Starting Strength is a book and fitness program written by strength coach and former powerlifter Mark Rippetoe. It is the best beginner program for building strength. The focus is on compound barbell lifts and...