The Best Type Of Coconut Oil For Healthy Weight Gain Smoothies

There’s a bunch of different cooking oils that people often add to their smoothies. These oils are added to make the smoothies have more calories or to make the smoothies have a higher concentration of fats.
People looking to add extra calories to their smoothies are usually weight lifters and other athletes who want to ensure that they eat enough calories. Others who may want additional calories in their smoothies are those who are recovering from a medical condition such as anorexia or from a medical treatment such as chemo. Whatever the reason for wanting additional calories, a spoonful or two of cooking oil in a smoothie is an easy way to boost a smoothie’s caloric value.
Because all cooking oils, including coconut oil, at largely fat, adding coconut oil to a smoothie is also popular with individuals on the keto diet or those who are looking to balance the macro nutrients in their smoothies.
There is no such thing as a single best coconut oil for every person. It really depends on what your goals are and why you want to add coconut oil to your diet and to your smoothie.
I will give you some insight into why coconut oil is special, what the different types of coconut oils are, and which is best for you. Before you read on, take a moment and think about what your fitness and diet goals are and why you might be looking to add the perfect type of coconut oil to your diet.
Best Coconut Oil For Endurance Athletes And Post-Workout Smoothies
The best coconut oil for endurance athletes (cyclists, runners, etc) is also going to be the best coconut oil for a post-workout smoothie. This is due the the effects of medium-length fatty acids found in coconut oil. You can read more about this if you scroll down to where I talk about Lauric Acid. Basically, coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides. This means that it is absorbed easily by your body and will give you an energy boost. Unlike other fats it will be used by your body to produce energy now, instead of being stored as body fat to be used later.
This means you get a quick shot of energy instead of putting on body fat.
Nutiva makes a Organic MTC oil which is made from coconut oil. However, as I note below if the Lauric Acid section, Lauric Acid is actually an in-between fatty acid. It has characteristics of both long-chain fatty acids and medium-chain fatty acids. In their product, Nutiva naturally strips out the Lauric Acid and leaves behind true medium-chain fatty acids (called Capric and Caprylic acids).
The benefits of medium-chain fatty acids are the main reason to eat coconut oil. Nutiva’s MTC oil concentrates all those benefits into an amazing, natural product.
If you use coconut oil to cook with, then maybe regular coconut oil suites your needs. But if want the highest energy boost available and the lowest amount of body fat, then this MTC oil is your best bet.
It’s worth it.
Best Coconut Oil For Weight-Gain Smoothies
If your main goal is to add extra calories because you are attempting to build muscle or gain weight, adding a spoonful or two of oil to your smoothies is a quick and easy way to get an extra 120-250 calories a day.
Coconut oil is a great choice in what type of oil to add to your high calorie smoothie. It tastes great, and it is solid at a higher room temperature, meaning it will be less messy than a liquid oil. Coconut oil is also great for cooking, especially if you like Asian food.
I highly recommend Nature’s Way Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. It is cold pressed, not cooked. It is organic and made with fresh coconuts. Other, cheap brands use old coconuts that are bleached to make the coconut oil look white. Nature’s Way is a trusted brand that does not use any coloring in their product. In sum, this is a high quality, natural and pure coconut oil.
The fact that it is extra-virgin is important as that means it will taste better and provide a more pure, quality product. This is especially important if you are going to be using this coconut oil in smoothies, not just while cooking.
What Makes Coconut Oil Unique Among Cooking Oils
There are a lot of different types of oils available; olive oil, palm oil, soy oil, canola oil, etc. They are all made up of fat and they all have a similar amount of calories (around 120 calories per tablespoon) in them. But there are a few things that make coconut oil stand out from other types of oils.
High In Saturated Fat
The biggest difference between coconut oil and others types of oils is the type of fat that makes up coconut oil. Coconut oil is mostly made up of saturated fat. Saturated fat has had a terrible reputation and a lot of health organizations still advise people to avoid diets that are high in saturated fat. This includes organizations such as the American Heart Association, and the American Dietetic Association. If you are concerned about consuming too much saturated fats in your diet, consider adding organic, extra virgin olive oil to your smoothies instead of coconut oil.
While many organizations warn that saturated fats should be avoided, there is a new body of evidence that suggests that saturated fats are not as bad as previously believed. The idea that saturated fat is actually a good addition to your diet has become popular among the weight lifting crowd and you can find articles and forum posts on the Internet explain why saturated fat is actually a crucial part of a healthy diet.
Personally I am not convinced either way at the moment. This seems to be one of those scientific unknowns. For a long time scientists believed that saturated fats were bad, but now there is evidence that this might not be the case. I believe in a couple of decades the scientific community will be able to give us a more definitive answer, but right now it is up to each of us to decide how much saturated fat to include in our diets.
I like coconut oil and use it for cooking or smoothies from time to time. There is no coconut oil study that suggests that a moderate intake of coconut oil is harmful. There are studies which suggest that coconut oil has positive impacts on health.
Rich In Lauric Acid
Lauric acid is a medium-chain fatty acid. Actually, this is debatable as lauric acid is made up of a 12 carbon atom chain. 12 is generally considered the upper bound of medium-chain fatty acids, and 13 is where long-chain fatty acids start. Because of this, some scientists believe that Lauric acid is a kind of in-between acid that has properties of both medium-chain and long-chain fatty acids.
Medium-chain fatty acids have held the attention of bodybuilders, weight lifters, runners and other endurance athletes for years now. There are a few reasons for this, but the main is that medium-chain fatty acids have been shown to be absorbed by the body more easily and more quickly than long-chain fatty acids. What this means is that you get an energy boost more quickly from coconut oil than from another oil that might be made up of long-chain fatty acids. If you have ever done endurance sports you know how important it is to get rapid energy boosts when you start to slow down.
Another benefit of medium-chain fatty acids is that they differ from your body’s fat cells. Normal fat cells are made up of long-chain fatty acids, meaning that when you eat long-chain fat, your body can easily store this fat as a fat cell in the body. More fat cells means more body fat. Medium-length fats are different from your fat cells, and therefore go straight into the digestive system and are used by the body as energy. They are not stored as energy in fat cells for later use but are used immediately.
Along with coconut oil, palm oil is also largely made up of Lauric acid. These types of oils are often called medium-chain triglyceride oils or MCT oils.
Other Potential Benefits Of Coconut Oil
You understand what makes coconut oil unique from other cooking oils. But what does that actually mean for your health? Here are some things that scientists have found regarding coconut oil.
- Increasing “good” HDL cholesterol
- Makes hair shiny
- Promotes healthy skin
- Help with weight loss
- Prevent liver disease
- Improves blood lipids
Remember, just because one study seems to indicate something does not mean that it is true. studies can have false results or be implemented in a poor way or have a tiny sample size. You should always take these kinds of claims with a grain of skepticism. If you are truly curious, go read scientific peer-reviewed journals.
I like coconut oil. I think it has great taste. I also like how different it is from other cooking oils that I consume. I think this variety helps keep my diet balanced and interesting.