7 Anti-Cancer Smoothie Recipes (Backed By Science)

“The World Cancer Research Fund estimates that about 20% of all cancers diagnosed in the US are related to body fatness, physical inactivity, excess alcohol consumption, and/or poor nutrition, and thus could be prevented.” The American Cancer Society recommends eating at least 2.5 cups of fruits and vegetables every day. This can be any kind of fruits and veggies; fresh, frozen, cooked, raw, etc.
It can be hard to known exactly how much fruits and veggies are in 2.5 cups. One simple way to see how large 2.5 cups are, is to blend down the fruits and veggies into a smoothie. Most blenders have measurement information on their side, letting you known exactly how much smoothie you have made.
Smoothies are great because they allow you to easily and quickly get your minimum amount of fruits and vegetables. It takes a lot less energy to drink a smoothie than it does to eat the equivalent amount of food. If your appetite is low, drinking smoothies can really help you get the nutrition you need. Smoothies can be a great resource in cancer prevention.
There are a lot of reasons why scientists recommend eating fruits and vegetables, and possible cancer prevention is one such reason. The antioxidants found in these smoothie ingredients help fight the free radicals that cause cell destruction in your body. This may be one way in which a healthy diet can help prevent cancer.
Each of the following smoothie recipes is specifically designed to decrease a risk of cancer based on scientific studies.
Anti Cancer Ingredients Include
- Spinach and Carrots have been found to play a modest role in breast cancer prevention.
- Bananas contain anti-oxidative substances which may prevent cancer.
- “Berries may be among the most beneficial fruits to eat for cancer prevention” – American Institute for Cancer Research
- Kale, Broccoli, Arugula and other cruciferous vegetables have been linked to a reduction in a number of cancers including prostate cancer and lung cancer.
- Nuts have been found to reduce recurrence and mortality rates from colon cancer.
- Olive Oil, which is a key part of the Mediterranean diet has been linked to anti-cancer properties.
As Stanford Medical puts it:
Nutrition is an important part of life, cancer treatment, recovery, and prevention.
Anti-Cancer Smoothie Recipies
Here is a list of seven of our favorite anti-cancer smoothie recipes.
Protein Power Green Smoothie Recipe
This is an excellent smoothie recipe for anyone looking to improve their diet. It’s got a ton of super healthy foods, including cancer preventing foods like kale and cucumber. It’s got a great ratio of fats, proteins, and carbs and is perfect for an athlete to drink. There’s a few very powerful sources of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.
Every ingredient in this recipe will give you a boost of energy.
Vitamin Fruit Smoothie Recipe
This is a sweet and fruity smoothie specifically designed by a nutritionist for its anti-cancer antioxidants. As mentioned previously, antioxidants are able to fight free radicals, which cause cell deformities. Scientists believe the free radicals may be one cause of cancer.
This smoothie recipe is fairly low in calories and should be easy to drink even if you don’t have much of an appetite.
Healthy Protein Smoothie Recipe
This smoothie is specifically meant for those who are working out and want a healthy protein smoothie. This smoothie includes bananas, berries and spinach. It’s also got a good amount of calories and plenty of protein. This recipe allows you to combine a protein shake and a healthy whole food smoothie.
This might also be a great recipe for anyone recovering from cancer. Especially those who are trying to rebuild muscle mass after dealing with cancer.
Low Sugar Smoothie
This smoothie recipe stands out for being low in sugar and avoiding ingredients common to other smoothie recipes. There are no bananas in this recipe. Instead you get powerful anti-cancer ingredients such as apple cider vinegar and parsley.
This smoothie is low in calories and is easy to consume even if you don’t feel very hungry. It’s got a very unique taste that isn’t overly sweet.
Because this smoothie recipe uses a lot of ingredients not found in most smoothies, it can help you bring balance to your diet.
Pomegranate Smoothie For Athletes
This smoothie is designed for athletes and pomegranate is the key ingredient. Pomegranate is called “nature’s power fruit” and has been in use as a healing agent for centuries.
Studies indicate that pomegranate may help prevent heart disease, high blood sugar levels, and breast and prostate cancer.
Along with pomegranate, this smoothie recipe includes spinach, flax-seed meal, and berries. These are all powerful foods which help prevent disease, including cancer.
Anti-Cancer Rainbow Smoothie
This anti-cancer smoothie is all about variety. It is packed full of different colored foods. Different colored foods contain different types of nutrients. This includes carrot, spinach, ginger and raspberries. All the ingredients in this smoothie blend together to create a great taste.
Along with the great taste, each of these smoothie ingredients has been linked to having cancer preventing or cancer fighting properties.
High Calorie Anti-Cancer Smoothie
The last smoothie on this list is a high calorie smoothie defined by its anti-cancer ingredients. It uses a combination of olive oil and coconut oil to get the anti-cancer benefits of both oils. It also contains blueberries and other important anti-cancer ingredients.
This is a satisfying smoothie which can be drank as a meal or used as a supplement in a diet and drank throughout the whole day.
Cancer is a life threatening disease and you should always seek medical attention for any serious disease. A healthy diet, including one full of whole fruits and vegetables can help prevent cancer and might slow the progression of cancer.
The smoothie recipes listed above has been specifically designed to include ingredients that have been scientifically linked to cancer prevention.