My First Blender, The Oster 6684 12-Speed
My first blender was an Oster 6684 12-Speed. I got it well before I was drinking smoothies on a regular basis. I actually don’t even remember why I got it. Probably because I wanted...
My first blender was an Oster 6684 12-Speed. I got it well before I was drinking smoothies on a regular basis. I actually don’t even remember why I got it. Probably because I wanted...
There’s a ton of gainer shake recipes out there. Heck, our high calorie smoothie recipes are some of the most popular out there. But a lot of people avoid making their own gainer powder....
Weightlifting shoes are made specifically for squatting, clean and jerk and other powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting. The feature a hard, thin sole. This is super important for weight lifting as it allows your legs...
When you deadlift, the closer the bar is to your shins the better. This improves the amount of weight you can lift and helps prevent injury. The problem with keeping the bar too close...
Weight gain powders have two main ingredients: protein and calories. That’s it. Everything else is just flavor, or preservatives, or vitamins/minerals. But those are all extras. The only thing a gainer powder needs is...
That’s right, another good tasting homemade gainer shake recipe. In it’s more basic form, gainer powder is just protein powder mixed in with a bunch of high calorie carbohydrate powder. Added to that are...
A simple and common way to measure obesity is to use the Body Mass Index (BMI). This is a formula based on a persons height and weight to guess at how much body fat...
/r/Brogress/ is a Reddit community (a “subreddit”) focused on showing off physical improvements to one’s body. You can think of is as a forum for posting fitness progress pictures, but instead of focusing on...
Reddit’s /r/progresspics/ is a forum dedicated to showing progress made in weight loss and weight gain. Users post before and after photos of themselves. This is usually for weight loss pictures, but there are...
Peanut butter and almond butter are common smoothie ingredients, especially for those people looking for a healthy source of fat. Even more common than nut butters are fruits. Almost every smoothie recipe has a...