Tagged: Green-Smoothie

SANS Vacuum Water Bottle Review

About a month ago I got a new SANS water bottle. For those of you who do not know, SANS makes vacuum pump water bottles. I’ll explain in more detail how this works, but...

Homemade Odwalla Original Superfood Recipe

I’m a big fan of Odwalla’s Original Superfood. Drinking these smoothies was my first introduction to a good tasting green smoothie. I would buy them from the grocery store long before I started making...


Green Smoothie With Orange Recipe

This is a filling green smoothie recipe with a taste of orange. It uses whole oranges, so you get all the benefits or eating whole fruit, but you can use orange juice instead, if...

green fields

Protein Power Green Smoothie Recipe

This is a powerful green smoothie recipe with more protein than most. This all natural protein will give you a special boost of power. Feeding your muscles will make you stronger and leaner. This...

broccoli crown

Broccoli Spinach Avocado + More Green Smoothie Recipe

Combine these awesome green super-foods into an amazing super green smoothie. It’s packed full of health benefits. The list of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients in these ingredients is too long to...

relaxed legs

Healthy Fruit Green Smoothie Recipe

Green smoothies are full of vitamins and minerals. This recipe combines fresh spinach, berries and other fruits into a delicious smoothie drink. Not only is this green smoothie super good for your health, it...

Green smoothie surrounded by leaves

Simple Green Smoothie Recipe

Green smoothies have a ton of great health benefits. The truth is, most of us do not consume enough leafy greens in our diets. Green smoothies solve this problem by combining delicious, vitamin filled...

Arugula Greens

Green Smoothie Health Benefits

Our bodies take a lot of abuse. You owe it to your body to incorporate healthy green smoothies into your diet. The health benefits of green smoothies can become an essential part of your...